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  • LUC #65: Breaking Down Clean Architecture — Core Ideas, Benefits, Drawbacks, and Use Cases

LUC #65: Breaking Down Clean Architecture — Core Ideas, Benefits, Drawbacks, and Use Cases

Plus, Concurrency is NOT parallelism, feature flags explained. and how SQL execution order works and why it's so important

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The software development landscape is riddled with challenges that can often stem from how systems are structured.

Inadequate architecture leads to code that is not only difficult to understand and maintain but also susceptible to a host of problems as requirements evolve.

Clean Architecture is a popular software design approach created by Uncle Bob (Robert C. Martin), designed to tackle disorganization and enhance the maintainability and scalability of software.

It offers a prescriptive approach to create systems with interchangeable components, focusing on maintainability, flexibility, and encapsulation of business logic.

The Anatomy of Clean Architecture

At its core, Clean Architecture is domain-centric, elevating the importance of the business logic—the "Domain"—above all else.

It's a methodology that structures code to revolve around this crucial element, ensuring that other system components are orchestrated to bolster and not baffle the domain's purpose.

Visually, Clean Architecture can be represented by a series of concentric circles, with each circle symbolizing a distinct layer of software responsibility, delineating clear boundaries between different aspects of the system.

1) Entities Layer - In this innermost layer resides enterprise-wide business rules. Entities encapsulate the most general and high-level rules. They are the least likely to change when something external changes. For example, you would expect these business rules to be the same regardless of the application's interface or database.

2) Use Cases Layer - A layer outwards, we find the use cases. This layer contains application-specific business rules. It encapsulates and implements all of the use cases of the system. These use cases orchestrate the flow of data to and from the entities, and direct those entities to use their enterprise-wide business rules to achieve the goals of the use case.

3) Interface Adapters Layer - This layer is composed of adapters that convert data from the format most convenient for use cases and entities to the format most convenient for some external agency such as a database or the web. It is also here that data is presented to the user and actions from the user are interpreted into a format that the use case and entities layers can understand. Controllers, presenters, gateways, and repositories are components typically found in this layer.

4) Frameworks and Drivers Layer - Finally, at the perimeter, we have the frameworks and drivers. This outermost layer is where the details of how the application interacts with the outside world are implemented, including frameworks and tools for databases, web servers, external libraries, and other technologies that the application depends on. The frameworks and drivers should be made as interchangeable as possible, ensuring that changes in this layer have minimal impact on the inner layers.

As per the dependency rule, the inner layers should not depend on the implementation details of outer layers. Each inner circle is more abstract and higher-level than the outer circle it is encompassed by. This ensures that the core business logic is decoupled from external frameworks and interfaces, which promotes a more maintainable and scalable software structure.

The Merits and Pitfalls of Clean Architecture

The benefits of Clean Architecture are numerous, effectively addressing many concerns of software design:

🟢 Separation of concerns: By dividing the system into layers, Clean Architecture ensures that changes in one part do not affect others.

🟢 Loose coupling: Through its dependency rule, this architecture allows for easier interchangeability and integration of components.

🟢 Dependency inversion: Central to its philosophy, dependencies are inverted to rely on abstractions rather than concrete implementations, promoting flexibility.

🟢 Maintainability: The clear boundaries and rules make the system easier to sustain and evolve.

🟢 Testability: The decoupling of components and adherence to The Single Responsibility Principle make testing straightforward.

🟢 Modularity: It creates a plug-and-play environment, where modules can be developed and tested in isolation before being integrated into the system.

However, like any architectural style, it comes with its own set of challenges. The structured approach providing the benefits mentioned above can also lead to trade-offs that need careful consideration such as the following:

🔴 Increased complexity: The very layers that provide structure can introduce complexity, especially in smaller projects where such rigorous segregation might be overkill.

🔴 Potential rigidity: Following the rules can sometimes lead to a rigid system, making it difficult to adapt to certain types of changes.

🔴 Demand for upfront design: It requires a good deal of foresight and planning, which can be a demanding process.

Where Clean Architecture Shines Best

Adopting Clean Architecture works best in scenarios that align with its fundamental objectives; manageability, maintainability, and scalability.

This approach to software design complements Domain-Driven Design by encapsulating core business logic within central layers, fostering a model that mirrors real-world business scenarios.

For enterprise applications, Clean Architecture offers a scalable and organized structure that can handle complex integrations and business processes while maintaining system integrity.

When solving complex business logic, it simplifies complexity by isolating it in the inner layers, promoting clear logic flows and decision-making paths within the codebase.

Clean Architecture is also a great choice for Building highly testable projects. The separation of concerns ensures that components are easily testable in isolation, enhancing the robustness and reliability of the software.

For long-lived systems with expected changes in technology, this approach future-proofs systems by allowing technological components to be swapped or upgraded with minimal impact on the core business logic, ideal for systems that evolve over time.

Wrapping It Up

Clean Architecture is a thoughtful approach to software design, sharing similarities with other layered architectures but setting itself apart with its emphasis on the domain. It's an architecture that advocates for modularity, testability, and a clear separation of concerns, which, despite its potential for complexity, offers a robust template for building flexible and maintainable systems.

Ultimately, Clean Architecture is not a silver bullet. It's a disciplined blueprint that can significantly enhance the way software is developed, provided it's applied wisely. Like any architectural style, its effectiveness depends on the specific needs and situation of the project.

Concurrency is NOT Parallelism (Recap)

As Rob Pike (one of the creators of Golang) succinctly put it: “Concurrency is about dealing with lots of things at once. Parallelism is about doing lots of things at once."

Concurrency — Manages several tasks on a single processor, creating an illusion of simultaneous execution by switching between tasks. This optimizes processor time, especially when tasks wait for others to complete.

Parallelism — Performs multiple tasks simultaneously by efficiently utilizing multiple processors or cores in a computing system.

Feature Flags Explained (Recap)

Feature flags are conditional switches in code that allow teams to control feature releases without redeploying.

They support phased rollouts by gradually exposing features to select users, reducing risks and gathering feedback. If issues arise, teams can perform an instant rollback by toggling the flag, minimizing downtime.

Feature flags enhance continuous delivery, enabling features to be merged into production early while remaining hidden from users, promoting faster and safer development cycles.

How Does SQL Execution Order Work, and Why is it so Important? (Recap)

A SQL query executes its statements in the following order:

  1. FROM / JOIN

  2. WHERE







The techniques you implement at each step help speed up the following steps. This is why it's important to know their execution order. To maximize efficiency, focus on optimizing the steps earlier in the query.

That wraps up this week’s issue of Level Up Coding’s newsletter!

Join us again next fortnight where we’ll explore and visually distill more important engineering concepts.